Reminder: The World Health Organization Even Says Face Masks May Be Dangerous To Your Child
Reason #123 that Face Masks Hurt Kids
Dear Reader,
The wearing of a face mask to protect against a respiratory virus is an act of grand deceit. It is a behavior that defies research on the topic. Wearing a face mask, as this article (one of many) points to — is unsafe to do and is ineffective.
Until the narrative around mandatory masking has changed, each day by 6am Eastern, I will both post here and send out a science-based reason why no one should wear a face mask.
I ask that you help me circulate these pieces to those around you who you believe could most benefit from them. It is important not to remain silent on this topic. These are important discussions to be having with friends, family members, business owners, healthcare practitioners, public servants, and others in the community.
The World Health Organization goes further and says a face mask may be dangerous for your child:1
“The likely disadvantages of the use of mask by healthy people in the general public include:
· potential increased risk of self-contamination due to the manipulation of a face mask and subsequently touching eyes with contaminated hands;
· potential self-contamination that can occur if non-medical masks are not changed when wet or soiled. This can create favorable conditions for microorganism to amplify;
· potential headache and/or breathing difficulties, depending on type of mask used;
· potential development of facial skin lesions, irritant dermatitis or worsening acne, when used frequently for long hours;
· difficulty with communicating clearly;
· potential discomfort;
· a false sense of security, leading to potentially lower adherence to other critical preventive measures such as physical distancing and hand hygiene;
· poor compliance with mask wearing, in particular by young children;
· waste management issues; improper mask disposal leading to increased litter in public places, risk of contamination to street cleaners and environment hazard;
· difficulty communicating for deaf persons who rely on lip reading;
· disadvantages for or difficulty wearing them, especially for children, developmentally challenged persons, those with mental illness, elderly persons with cognitive impairment, those with asthma or chronic respiratory or breathing problems, those who have had facial trauma or recent oral maxillofacial surgery, and those living in hot and humid environments.”
These details have all been covered in the pages of this book. It is good to see official bodies that agree with the thesis of this book: Face masks hurt kids. Why exactly the media is painting a very different narrative is unclear. To merely cite official organs can be enough to get one deplatformed in the current era. Censors of course censor the truth. A lie is pointless to censor.
World Health Organization. (2020). Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance, 6 April 2020. World Health Organization. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
The bestselling book "Face Masks In One Lesson" by Allan Stevo describes how to never wear a face mask again. The follow-up to the book, "Face Masks Hurt Kids," describes why to never wear a face mask again. We must defeat the awful, narrative around the mandates.
Examples of how face masks hurt kids will be posted to the Lockdown Land Substack each morning by 6am Eastern until the narrative around this ineffective and harmful medical intervention has shifted. Face masks are, in fact, not just harmful to children. Face masks are harmful to everyone. Thank you so much for helping me circulate this research.