The movement that has coalesced around Donald Trump is about so much more than Donald Trump. He has become a symbol of the American dinner table. The American dinner table is the equivalent of the far older theme of “the hearth.” The dinner table is the gathering place of the functioning family unit in modern American society. It is the meeting place of the contemporary American home.
Trump is, of course, Donald Trump an individual, but he has also turned into a symbol for so much more. The war being waged against him is a war for the American dinner table, which is to say the American family. In his voice can often be found the concerns expressed around the American dinner table. In his fight can be found the fight of the American dinner table to return to pre-eminence culturally and politically in American life.
Washington insiders continue to double down brazenly on the ridiculous decision to raid Mar-a-Lago.
We are now on the twelfth or fifteenth impeachment attempt of Donald Trump.
The Goal Since November 9, 2016
From 11/9/2016, the morning after the upset 2016 election, the goal has been to destabilize the country and disable the Trump presidency. Disabling the Trump presidency has always been about disabling the American public. That is the true goal — to disable you and to leave you both a victim and accomplice in your own disabling.
Every single American poses a potential threat to the political status quo in the United States and globally, both at the local level and on a grand scale. Every middle class American poses a particularly potent threat.
How You Pose A Threat
Now is a time that even a regular person, generally living a regular life, can pose a threat to the status quo. This is due both to the rapidly changing nature of the era and the empowerment that technology allows an individual.
An unknown computer geek like Julian Assange, a high school kid from Covington Catholic in who-knows-where, Kentucky, or a wet behind the ears Kyle Rittenhouse — are three examples of regular people who applied bravery and principle to impactfully reshape the world around them in varying degrees.
These factors make every individual human on this planet a threat, they make every American a heightened threat due to their cultural and political influence, and these factors make middle class Americans a particular threat due additionally to their available resources of time and money.
Why Each Individual Middle Class American Is A Particular Threat
Notably, while a billionaire has more money, a billionaire may be less culturally influential than someone with far fewer resources. It takes very little money to apply technology and principle, it merely takes a comfort applying the available resources for the needed purpose and some luxury around time.
We live in an era in which someone with $300 a year in spare cash and 10 hours a week can literally be more culturally and politically relevant than some of the richest on the planet.
To mute that impact is vital in order to maintain the status quo. Are you beginning to recognize the threat you pose?
When it comes to relevance and influence, it is not money that is the determining variable in this era. Bravery and principle are the true variables. And courage is contagious, which makes the pronounced need to spread discouragement and fear so prevalent from the global elite.
One important reason the media exists is to spread discouragement and disempowerment, which it does so very well, while channeling the desire for change into various consumer products, where that desire for change can be easily managed.
How The Tawdry Monica Lewinsky Story Signaled A Change
From the time the mainstream media was forced to run the Monica Lewinsky story in the late 1990s, the dynamic of American culture has not been the same, and the Cold War was turned inward.
The apparatus needed an enemy and found it. It was not the communist party of the USSR that was the enemy, that enemy had fallen. It was the empowered middle class American that was the enemy. Left to his own devices, such a person would know unlimited freedom, peace, and prosperity, and would love life without the intermediation of the apparatus or media. A very different time was ahead, a time unlike any ever known in world history.
The Monica Lewinsky story is one of disintermediation of the media.
The most powerful editors in the media and their allies in the White House, government, and industry had long decided what the American public saw. Gossip about a beloved President of the United States and a White House intern was not going to be seen. Newsweek editors decided not to run the exclusive story they had.
A no one, from nowhere, with an email list that he used for movie review and politics, changed that. Some guy “on the Internet” forced the hand of the most powerful editors in the world, situated at the global seats of power: Washington, D.C., and New York City.
This disintermediation of the media made the Monica Lewinsky story a groundbreaking moment in American history.
The Most Well-Positioned Are Often Blinded By Their Position And Interest
At that time, the Internet was an unimportant technology in the lives of most people. Paul Krugman, expressed the sentiment of many media elites when he wrote dismissively of this disruptive technology.
“The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in ‘Metcalfe’s law’–which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants–becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.” (Emphasis added)
This Krugman quote was written the year after the Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton story broke. Even as the Internet was shaking the existing power structure, so few insulated in that structure could feel that everything was changing. We must forever realize that those insulated within power structures can never be expected to speak truthfully about change that brings about their disempowerment.
We should even recognize that they probably cannot even see the change that brings about their disempowerment. Even the best intentioned people in such power structures — and I am not arguing that a single such person is well-intentioned — would miss the change because they would not be able to see it, even if they really wanted to.
Who Was That No One From Nowhere?
Far from being ignored by the media, as Newsweek editors originally intended, that story became front page news for the next three years. To this day, twenty-five years later, the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky story continues to command headlines.
Who was that no one from nowhere who forced the hands of the most powerful people on the planet to tell the truth to the American public? Matt Drudge.
Regardless of what role he plays these days, Drudge will forever have my admiration for the pioneering role he then played. He led a revolution by simply having an internet connection and an email list. To this very day, those two tools — an internet connection and an email list — can be reliably used by regular people to change the world as they know it.
Trump Is Middle America’s Tolerable Version Of Reform, And That Tolerability Makes Him Dangerous To The Elites — But It Is Not Really About Him
It is really not about Trump. Trump has only ever been a generally tolerable coalescing of the desire for change held by so many Americans. It is hard to overstate how little any of this is about Trump and how much this is about you. The more this can be made into an attack on Trump, the harder it is to see this for what it really is: an attack on you and your voice, an attack, in fact, with a seething antipathy behind it, a burning hatred for you and your values.
Each talking head who speaks hatred toward Trump is really speaking hatred toward you. It is just much more tolerable at this particular point in history to speak hatred for a somewhat strange, orange-colored billionaire from Queens with a fascination for things that are beautiful and gold, than it is to speak hatred for all decent Americans.
Trump Derangement Syndrome — A Lie
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a funny term, but it lacks some level of truth.
It is not Trump that drives people to derangement. It is Trump empowering you that drives them to derangement. It is you that drives them to derangement.
It is especially an empowered you that drives them to derangement.
It is you doing anything outside of the prescribed behaviors of 1.) work, 2.) pay your bills, 3.) pay your taxes, and 4.) shut up that drives them to derangement.
It is even just the thought of an empowered you that drives them to derangement.
11/9/2016 Is The Opposite Of 9/11/2001
In its aftermath, 9/11/2001 has been the single day that has brought about the largest growth in the administrative state in America (some of it admittedly with good intent). In contrast, the morning of 11/9/2016 was the first day in which it became clear that the American people wanted a different direction than what they had been getting since 9/11/2001.
In any place in which transfer of power exists and in which society can be deemed civil, that request would have been granted to the American people. It was not. On that day, what instead took place was the beginning of a cold civil war. I use the word “cold” here to mean “not a shooting war.”
For all practical purposes, the cold civil war was has been a fight with the American people for the structures of control in their country. A fine line that is walked in this war as two conflicting narratives are shared: 1.) You the people are in control of this model country with its democratic elections, 2.) You the people are not ever to be allowed to be in control of a single thing that matters.
The Cold Civil War Precedes Trump
The candidacies of Ross Perot in the 1990s, popularity of Ron Paul in 2007 and 2008, the Tea Party in 2010, the popularity of Ron Paul in 2012, were all attempted and rebuffed efforts by which a cadre of Americans sought to retake control of their country. All of these were crossover efforts that also attracted independent and Democrat voters.
Similar efforts also took place on the political left, recognizing that government had been captured and had grown unresponsive to the people. In 2016, the most notable and successful effort took place and in that effort Trump received considerable crossover support. He was elected with the support even of lifelong Democrats.
The Scary Morning Of November 9, 2016
11/9/2016 was understandably a very scary morning, a very scary reality for the American political elite who learned that Americans did not hate them, they just no longer wanted to be ruled by them. Americans were so adamant about this that they even chose the very imperfect Donald Trump to replace them.
The response toward Americans since that morning of 11/9/2016 has been an almost unending torrent of 24-7 hate for the views, values, and sensibilities shared around the American dinner table, as well as a hatred of those who gather in that place. Again, that is the gathering place of the functioning American family.
Why The Hatred Toward The American Dinner Table Is So Deep
The hatred was so deep that it even became a goal to introduce dysfunction into the functioning American family. Everywhere you turn, that goal is apparent. It is not 2016 anymore. The American home is under siege.
It has long been recognized by enemies of those basic values expressed around the American dinner table, that if you do not tear down the structures of society which support such values, then those values will continue to persist. Some refer to this general theory as “cultural Marxism” or “Frankfort School,” or apply terms from those social theorists such as “critical theory,” but the desire to destroy the American home is more widespread than just that group, though that group has been phenomenally influential. Its origins do not change the basic details of who the great enemy is.
You are the enemy, and the functioning aspects of your family are the enemy. It is no accident that your home feels like it is under attack.
11/9/2016 was effectively the very opposite of 9/11/2001 and every keen observer could see it. Some chose to ignore it. Some have chosen to follow in the footsteps of many deposed regimes through history, by seeking to ignore a change whose time had come.
Opposing a change whose time has come can be a very dangerous place to be in. The American administrative state is committed to placing all its resources into that fight.
The Two Options Left To The Administrators Of The Administrative State
Those currently refusing to relinquish power have no other option than to 1.) give up power or 2.) to fight doggedly. Those are the only two options, since there is no longer room for them in a Washington that is designed by an American people who are done supporting the apparatus built during the Cold War and are done supporting the apparatus built in the aftermath of 9/11/2001.
The apparatus that some political elites have made a defining feature of their lives is an apparatus that is in its death throes.
Important: The Apparatus Is Election-Proof
That apparatus (which predates 9/11 or the Cold War) was built to be election-proof, and 11/9/2016 was the first day that it became clear that it was not at all election-proof.
Molly Ball, writing for Time magazine in a February 2021 article, explains how on 11/3/2020 the American people were prevented from participating in an election, a goal set in motion from 11/9/2016, with the intent of making the apparatus irreplaceable.
The title of her article is “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” and it tells the story of how the American dinner table was prevented from choosing a president in the November 3, 2020 election. Many seemingly disparate organizations came together in cooperation to leave America disenfranchised and to produce an election that satisfied the wants of an ultra-minority of Americans.
If the election-proof apparatus was shown not to be election-proof, then the apparatus would see to it there would be no more elections. Some wonder aloud at this very moment if the 11/8/2022 midterm federal and local elections will be allowed to happen. Since 11/9/2016, it has openly been the practice of the American administrative apparatus to no longer permit elections, for the result of such elections would be to dismantle the apparatus. The 11/3/2020 elections were the defining moment of that practice.
Asimov’s Third Law
Many ethical principles can be turned to as a way to illustrate the conflict of this self-perpetuating apparatus against individuals. I will use the analogy of a robot, which is a fair analogy to describe an entity that operates according to rules and not according to the free will of an individual decision maker. This distinguishes an organization from an individual human.
Isaac Asimov, in his science fiction writing, theorized how robots are to act. He offered three laws of robotics. While the apparatus that controls America is not a robot, it is also not a functioning individual human. Asimov’s laws can be turned to as a distilled ethical example of the superiority of man over object, and the apparatus, as a collection of functions and a collection of bureaucracies, is most certainly an object and not indicative of any individual man.
The three laws are as follows:
“First Law
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
“Second Law
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
“Third Law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.”
The third law of robotics is not being followed by the apparatus that controls America. The first two laws are in direct conflict with three. That means one thing: either the apparatus must go or the humans must go. The apparatus is set on seeing you it that you go, which is exactly what Trump Derangement Syndrome is all about.
The Elections Will Go On, Just Not The Way Webster Defines An Election
The elections are meant to be in name only — everyone gets to feel like they participated, but the outcome is allowed as long as it is supportive of the continuation of the apparatus, of the administrative state.
Donald Trump Amplifies The Voice Of The American Dinner Table
Donald Trump, notably, gives a voice to the American dinner table. He says the things you and your family used to say only when gathered around the table, and in similarly private settings. The fact that you also sometimes now say those things in public are a direct result of his descending the golden staircase on 6/16/2015 and running the dogged race that he ran.
Do You Remember How Moderately Successful Men Later In Life Used To Talk?
I remember the cowed voice that sixty-year-old, seventy-year-old, and eighty-year-old middle class white men used to have, just seven years ago. This cowed tonality developed among this group in the mid- to late-1990s in the United States and spread.
They had good careers behind them, relatively stable families, and all the wisdom that came with the drubbings of life, yet they were the most silent — long trained that it was best not to speak.
It wasn’t just white men fitting this demographic. It was anyone with a battle tested, salt of the earth, body of values who was complicit in silencing themselves. “The silent majority,” as they have long been called, is a descriptive term as much as it was to become a predictive term.
And prior to the 1990s, people fitting this description took on a very different tone in the United States. They spoke openly, proudly, truly, like men who had established themselves in life and had little to prove to anyone. This presence of elders was so vital in American society. Instead of authority coming by appointment, or title, or position, or education, society was full of regular people who developed authority by virtue of living life and experiencing the pain of having bad values and the joy of having good values. These elders were vital.
From the mid-1990s until 2015, America’s elders lived a life of being silenced on the most vital topics of the day. The trend toward political correctness encouraged self-censorship and spread the notion that it was not worth it to risk speaking offensively, no matter how true the offensive statement was.
America shifted toward becoming a place in which virtue signaling replaced actual virtue. Showing that you wanted to not be offensive replaced the speaking of the truth. While the world did not allow the truth to be spoken, and some children had come of age and been indoctrinated with the doctrine of political correctness, in many homes and around many dinner tables, the truth was still able to be spoken. The truth had a home around the American dinner table.
Trump’s 2016 Presidential Run Would Have Meant So Much Even If He Did Not Win
Even if Trump had never been elected, he still gave such courage to people that his candidacy would have been the most culturally impactful candidacy of any US presidential candidate since World War Two.
It is hard to overstate this significance — just because he ran the unapologetic way that he did. By Election Day 2016, Trump singlehandedly turned back the tide of political correctness and the imposed groupthink that Americans, post-1990, increasingly came to know as the only option. As a direct result of his candidacy, by Election Day 2016, Trump gave courage in a way that lit tens of millions, and maybe even hundreds of millions, little brushfires of liberty in America and across the globe.
The Problem With Dismissing Trump’s “Mean Tweets” As No Big Deal
Some people claim to hate Trump because he is so caustic and divisive. He appears to happily and brazenly forming opinions on the most taboo of topics. It makes sense that this is a hated aspect of Trump, but for a reason that is different than the common narrative.
It is the divisiveness of Trump that is among his most important values. In his willingness to both 1.) be divisive and 2.) publicly set the tone of political and cultural conversations, Trump does Americans the favor of having those discussions. By themselves, the discussions mean little. But the consequence of those discussions is this — clarity.
Instead of living in a country where freedoms are guaranteed and the most important topics are off limits, we have entered into a slightly less comfortable America where the mundane conversations are quickly turning into the off limits topics. The once off-limit topics that are increasingly becoming part of daily conversation include religion, politics, culture, race, values, government, economics, monetary policy, science, medicine, media, veracity of sources, global governance, the nature of authority.
After more than a generation of speaking about the mundane with others, all while the most vile evil is committed just behind our backs, one is understandably suspect of any person who just wants to speak about the mundane.
Some supporters of President Trump dismiss his “mean tweets” as no big deal, when the truth is they are a very big deal. Some people who like Trump would like to have Trump with the Twitter personality dialed down. Such people think that this part of his personality is a character flaw, or a bug, some extraneous part of him that people can learn to grin and bear. No my friend, that is the essence of Trump. The divisiveness and the gift of clarity it gives is the very essence of Trump. It is not to be dismissed. It is to be embraced.
In fact, I desire clarity and discernment so much, that I wish Trump to turn his intensity up tenfold. Anyone honest person who recognizes the usefulness of Trump should desire the same. It is the most vile that wish for there to be no clarity, for only in that lack of clarity can they continue their work of undermining good in American life and to do so in plain sight.
More mean Tweets please.
The Chicago Jamokes, Hacks, and Shills Come To Washington
The destabilizing forces that have become commonplace in American society are a direct result of the 11/4/2008 elections. This is when a Chicago politician was allowed into the White House.
Growing up in Cook County, Illinois, politics was in the air and in my blood. It was a hobby of many and it was a daily part of every day life. As an example of that, I knocked on doors for political campaigns from about the age of seven.
Barack Obama was the State Senator from one district north of me. He was someone passing through, someone who came to learn what Chicago had to teach and to be on his way. Obama had a way of rising above the fray when he spoke, but rather than being a fighter of big battles, he was very much a fighter of bitter battles and more importantly surrounded himself with the same: a band of Chicago political hacks that the most savvy people in Illinois were embarrassed enough to have to deal with. Imagine the horror of seeing such people promoted to run the federal government.
The idea that Illinois allowed him to become a US Senator was ridiculous enough, but when this corrupt machine politico was admitted to the White House, it set the stage for the normalization of the most awful Chicago politics nationally and internationally.
Pogrom Is Another Word For Riot — The BLM Pogroms of 2020
To give but one example — The BLM Pogroms of 2020, were a Chicago-style political ploy spread across the country. The riots carried the fingerprint of Chicago operatives, and were a sign of an American public increasingly caught in the morality that the ends justify the means.
The artificially created BLM riots of 2020 were a direct result of the Obama presidency, which slowly shifted a portion of Americans toward this ugly Chicago-style, might make right, the ends justify the means method of politics, which some Americans also warmly adopted as a recipe for cultural, and so much worse — a guide for matters of morality.
The Ides Of March 2020 — A Momentous Shift Began To Occur
To give another example — the two-week lockdowns of the Ides of March 2020, which lasted over two years.
It was a two-year attack on you.
It was a two-year attack on your very existence.
It was a two-year attack on the very idea that your breath is essential.
The gravest of philosophical changes have taken place because of those early days in Spring 2020.
But they, were again, a consequence of a shift that was brought about as a result of the Obama presidency. The shift was political, but it was also cultural and moral.
With politics being so very central to Chicago culture, living peacefully for years with a triggering political adversary is a natural part of life in Chicago. Politics is influenced by culture, but is separate from culture. Politics is influenced by morality, but is separate from morality. Politics is not morality in Chicago. Years of mistakes led to very clear boundaries being naturally drawn. Unaware of the nature of living peacefully for years with a triggering political adversary that is part of life in Chicago, the Obama presidency was a shift that most Americans had no defenses for. It set the stage for the past two years.
Many Americans came to confuse politics with morality.
Consequently, the past two years were two years of getting the entire apparatus on the same page to declare your life and existence non-essential unless you exclusively do the prescribed activities of 1.) work, 2.) pay your bills, 3.) pay your taxes, 4.) shut up. The apparatus once largely existed with the defense that it was there to protect you (pre-Ides of March 2020), but it now unquestionably exists to deem you non-essential.
If you do not already recognize that, the day you do recognize that promises to be a very painful day for you.
How The Shift In Apparatus Happened So Quickly
The apparatus was never really about protecting you, it was merely about following orders, and its protection of you was merely what it needed to do in order to grow itself.
The shift in focus that took place in two years went from protecting you and your rights, over to eliminating you and your rights.
That shift might seem like an extreme polar switch in which the very opposite of what previously existed now came to replace the norm.
Yes, that is true in a way, but to make such a statement and to consider it complete is to tell a half-truth, omitting some necessary details. It is a description of the situation that misses the reality of what has actually taken place. The truth of what took place is quite understandable to those who recognize that obedience was the key virtue of the apparatus, and not any other higher values that you would like to ascribe to it.
Recognizing this, it becomes clear that any value can be inserted as a goal of the apparatus, just as long as the apparatus is following its key virtue: obedience.
In fact, anyone who uses a “I’m just doing my job,” style of explanation for their behavior, has been telling you his values all along — no matter how much he says so, he, in fact, does not want to protect you and your rights, but he instead wants to be rewarded for his obedience to instructions.
Callous Sociopathy — A Hard Hearted Hatred Of Others
There is a certain level of callous sociopathy one must ascribe to in order to have played any role in these two events — the BLM pogroms of 2020 and the lockdowns. Such harm was done to individuals. The morality of yesteryear, once dominant in American popular culture had been supplanted by an acceptance of might makes right.
Might makes right has always played a role in American society, but never was it allowed to play a dominant role.
The Coup Of November 2020 Was Planned And Had Begun By The Ides Of March 2020
The apparatus had three years of the American dinner table at the helm in Washington, and it became clear from the Ides of March 2020 forward, that the American dinner table was going to be unseated in a coup that was unscientific, illegal, unconstitutional, undemocratic, and un-American, despite all talking points to the contrary.
The Chicago Way — America’s New Political Game, Which Leaves Misery In Its Wake
Let me use a Hollywood example to illustrate what we Chicagoans have always known about our politics. We only know one way to do politics — escalate until victory. This leaves a battlefield of misery. It leaves a wasteland of damage.
Hollywood, both descriptively and predictively stated how things work in Chicago in the retelling of the Al Capone story in the movie The Untouchables. Below is Sean Connery’s character (Malone) educating Elliot Ness, played by Kevin Costner.
Malone: You said you wanted to get Capone. Do you really wanna get him? You see what I’m saying is, what are you prepared to do?
Ness: Anything and everything in my power.
Malone: And then what are you prepared to do? If you open the can on these worms you must be prepared to go all the way because they’re not gonna give up the fight until one of you is dead.
Ness: How do you do it then?
Malone: You wanna know how you do it? Here’s how, they pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way, and that’s how you get Capone! Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that?
Ness: I have sworn to capture this man with all legal powers at my disposal and I will do so.
Malone: Well, the Lord hates a coward. Do you know what a blood oath is, Mr. Ness?
Ness: Yes.
Malone: Good, ’cause you just took one.
The Chicago Way
As previously mentioned, I grew up in the midst of the most ugly Chicagoland machine politics. Barrack Obama being allowed access to the White House has caused the local politics of the entire United States to feel like home. I just do not believe the entire United States is benefitted by that.
Democrats have accepted that they are going to sow the soil of American life with salt if that is what it takes to prevent Trump (a.k.a. You) from ever taking power again.
It is not really a game most Americans are prepared to play or want to play. The only way to truly win in the near future is to walk away. Fighting only leaves more destruction, which the nihilist wants. Even in your win, you are left with utter destruction. A generation from now, America might be rebuilt and have recovered from allowing Chicago into the White House. There will be hard lessons along the way. One of them is that politics is not morality.
Why I Do Not Support Walking Away
But I do not advocate for walking away. You lose that which has been built when you choose to walk away. And that which has been built remains worth fighting for from where I stand.
On top of that, the effort it takes to win is so minor that it is hard to justify walking away. An interloper walking into your living room and ordering you out is an event that you are not likely to respond to by giving him the keys, thanking him, and walking away. That behavior is what many good people are now proposing.
The interloper merely needs to be shown the door. And while the interloper is far more experienced and sophisticated, there is far more power in the hands of the righteous, who merely need to understand that and accept that.
The Attack On Trump Is An Attack On You
This detail needs recognizing and emphasizing, as it is hard to overstate: Every attack on Trump is an attack on you. It is an attempt to silence you. It is an attempt to make sure you have no choice on Election Day 11/8/2022, it is an attempt to make sure you have no choice on Election Day 11/5/2024.
And this is coming from someone who has been severely critical of the imperfect Donald Trump. (
That criticism does not change the fact that Donald Trump represents the voice of the American dinner table, and every effort to silence him is an effort to silence you.
So What? What Does Any Of This Have To Do With Me?
Seldom do I speak about things that I do not believe can be changed by you in your life. There are enough people already talking about depressing nonsense out there that is out of your hands. Here, I write this to bring to your attention the evil in your midst. I do not expect you to like Trump, I do not expect you to be a defender of Trump, I do not even expect you to speak Trump’s name. It is really not about Trump at all. I expect this of you: I expect you to recognize the great evil in your midst and to act accordingly. The people who hate Trump do not just hate Trump. They probably hate you as well, hate your home, and wish for all that you hold dear to be destroyed.
This issue is not a global and untouchable issue. It is one that is deeply local and personal and describes why your home feels like it is under siege by those who hate Trump, even if you are no Trump supporter. The reason is because it is not about Trump, but about you.
Each adult is called on to identify his boundaries, communicate his boundaries, and defend his boundaries. This is to say each adult is called on to identify his values, communicate his values, and defend his values.
This moment calls on you to do that and to do that in a wise and discerning way.
I am growing an army. Sign up here to join. ( Get daily emails of encouragement. Get word of my latest projects.
When you sign up, I’ll also send you a report on how Big Tech is lying to you. If you are still using Duck Duck Go as a trusted search engine, you will really want to see that report. Duck Duck Go was the most censored search engine that my team and I tested — even worse than Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
I will give you two other better search engines to turn to — listed right on the first page of that report.
"We live in an era in which someone with $300 a year in spare cash and 10 hours a week can literally be more culturally and politically relevant than some of the richest on the planet."
I do that. . . here's a flyer I made warning people about a secret ELE (Extinction Level Event) threatening all life on earth that is currently covered up by mass media while the governments divert resources to stock pile deep underground bunkers with supplies under cover of supply chain disruptions and fires destroying food production facilities, and etc.