Music to my ears and significant reasons to celebrate for me too, Allan. 2003 was a very difficult year for me. I was living in Lompoc, CA, where we had a dedicated group with whom I participated in demonstrations against going to war against Iraq. We knew in our Hearts and Souls that there was no legitimate reason for doing that. I was in a relationship with a godly man, a retired Air Force communications guy, who felt it was his duty to support what the American government was going to do. I told him his support for such wrongness was the beginning of the end for us (which it was). I absolutely could not align myself with someone who felt that way. To this day I have substantial difficulty feeling unconditional love for those who unleashed so much suffering and devastation and helped create a horrible terrorist backlash throughout the Middle East. If any justice can come from more revealing of what really happened on 9/11 I will support it 100%.

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Sadly, Ted Cruz was born to two Canadians in Canada, so he isn't what Emmerich de Vattel would have considered a natural born citizen, and so, not qualified to be president.


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I am with you about 98%. Where we seem to part company is that you may think that American leadership somehow was involved in 9/11. I see absolutely no evidence of that. It wasn't a planned demolition. That much is proven by the facts. Popular Mechanics wrote extensively about this with sound facts and reasoning. Videos show clearly that the buildings collapsed at the point of impact of the planes. I have written about this once and will again this year. I have found another video, the best yet. Even if Cheney knew about it on 9/10, what could he have done to stop it? Nothing. Nobody had any details. I think everyone in power knew something was planned, but there were no details, nothing we could act on. If it is shown that America is somehow complicit, it was from standing aside and not responding, but even that doesn't make sense, because our military is not authorized to shoot down civilian airliners over our airspace. I have no use for Cheney and his ilk, but that doesn't translate into American complicity with the terrorists on 9/11.

As for going to war in Iraq, I've done heavy research on that as well. Saddam was a terror to his people. He was involved in the training of the terrorists at Salman Pak. The WMD were mostly moved to Syria while Bush was negotiating at the UN. Satellite images show Russian trucks carrying this material, transporting into Syria, where some of them were used against their own people in Syria. I have friends who were eyewitnesses and saw some WMD that remained in Iraq even then. Not many, but some. Americans told Saddam's troops that if they went home, we would not kill them. Many did. Americans paid the price as these same people laid many IEDs in the roadway, injuring and killing American troops. Americans did their best to avoid killing civilians. Even when it seriously endangered our own troops. The claims of murders of millions are lies by Islamists who practice taqqiya. Don't believe it.

As Christians, we should recognize that hoarding liberty to ourselves is evil. God gave the gifts of life and liberty, to all people of the world, not just to us. For us to refuse to take out Saddam is an act of hoarding. We support the right to life of the unborn. Why? We're not the target. It's the same reasoning to say we shouldn't support their right to life for that reason. Better to take the war to the enemy on his own turf. Remember the Barbary Pirates. Jefferson chased and killed them on their own turf. Unfortunately, in Iraq we lost the peace. That was poor management. Had they allowed Petraeus to manage the entire country, things would have been different. But we didn't.

Libertarians support responsive force to repel the initiation of violence. That is what the war in Iraq was about.

That aside, I rejoice with you that the Cheneys have so clearly revealed themselves. They do not belong in the Republican Party. They should leave, voluntarily or otherwise.

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