I wanted to point to the work by Steve Kirsh concerning masking and he and his team have proven that the masks are useless. He offered a huge amount of money to any agency or representative of any health agency who would debate his team and defend their stance on masking. Not one taker has offered to take the challenge to this day. It is easy to find what the N-95 was made for; it blocks out 95% of dust particles in factory settings but the virus particles are so small that they pass through the mask with ease and cloth is worse. Thanks for another great article but I am afraid we are up against a foe that is international in scope, and I would say that they make the Mafia look like mere candy thieves as they control every branch of government, medicine, regulatory agencies, AMA, CDC, et al but if you think on the David V Goliath story it was David who won right?

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I have not once followed the hand washing/sanitizing ritual. I brew beer at home so I'm very well familiar with micro-organism and sanitation in that regard. Let's not forget that even if something is *sterilized* (never mind sanitized) once exposed to the atmosphere the clock of sterile/sanitary starts ticking even in the best of controlled environments. And I'm not talking about hours -- it's minutes at best! Seconds on average unless you're in a clean room.

Then keeping in mind that respiratory viruses do not spread by surface contact, the entire idea has always been 100% stupid. Doesn't even qualify as "doing something". You may as well pray to an Egyptian cat god -- will be just as effective.

Also, I need the bacteria on my skin. Most of it anyway. Alcohol, unless you're going to get an injection or have an open wound (etc), is not a good idea for you any of your skin. If you keep doing it like an obsessive dummy, you're going to negatively affect (if not outright injure) your skin.

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It readily absorbs all manner of substances and, often enough, that gets sent to the liver. This is well known.

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How many us can see that you need a Electron Microscope to see a virus?

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