The British common law was progressively abandoned when the United States became more federalist in the 19th century. Common law can be used by someone who is very well versed in it, but most judges are not, and some of them regard it as conspiracy theory, with a concomitant bad outcome for anyone but an absolute scholar with bulletproof citations.

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The problem is more complex than that, especially after the mercenary conflict coined the “Civil War” when common law civilian courts were replaced completely by admiralty courts.

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Talking about such things in front of most judges will get you held in contempt, which is the only judicial decision that cannot be appealed, possibly requiring a writ of habeas corpus to get you out of jail. I use to hang out with people who kept such a writ in their pocket going into court.

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I found out recently that most states that don’t have any Justice of the Peace are the states that have truly been saddled with the admiralty court and screwed over “royally”. That’s why the circles that I frequent are working diligently on re-establishing our American Common Law courts. It will take a generation probably, but hey keeps us out of trouble😉

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My opinion of justices of the peace were tempered with one in a central Texas town who put a big ugly light bar on his Trans Am. He subsequently was doing traffic control on a 4th of July event venue when he fell off his horse and broke both arms.

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I hear you. My opinion of bar attorneys was tempered when one in Babylon NY was driving home hammered on a Saturday morning in 1986 and struck my future father in law … his whole left side of his skeletal system had to be rebuilt. The consequences for the criminal was a rise in power to some kind of high ranking judge in the “legal system”. Alcoholism knows no boundaries. The interesting thing about American Common Law is the lack of all of the “legalese” these Bar attorneys love. I once heard a Justice say that the Bar association is all theater and that any bar attorney swears an oath to the Crown ✋ (hence the Esq title)

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The most efficacious boundary for alcoholism is terminal cirrhosis.

Bar associations were carried into America by bar members, being a British thing.

I'm not sure if it is still true, but some states allowed for people to earn the right to take the bar exam by "reading the law," which is just what it sounds like. This is how many of the founders became attorneys. For the most part, one has to have a law degree to sit for the bar exam now. Abraham Lincoln started out carrying his law library under one arm and wound up selling out his nation to the City of London (as opposed to the city called London).

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I recommend the book “Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty” by Kevin Daniel Arnett. A simple introduction. In the circles I run with, “Excellence of the common law” by Brent Allan Winters is the “gold standard” (I haven’t been able to snatch a copy yet, I think it’s out of print). Good luck, it is an extremely complex topic.

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