I don't understand how any Western intellectual, let alone a Christian, can condone bombing (i.e. killing without warning or a chance at repentance); and economically, for those who are not religious, I don't see a way to approve taxpayer money being spent on wholesale murder of people who have nothing to do with the US.

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Couldn’t agree more. What I don’t understand is how no one is looking for an off-ramp to the conflict. There will be no winners nor any peace ☮️ coming from this war. This whole conflict is about “economics” - which is the driving force behind most wars. It’s a suckers bet. The only beneficiaries will be the monied elites who are funding the conflict. However, there is a major flaw in their strategy… both sides have nukes. These fools are playing with fire that potentially can consume them. As was noted, the only solution is to turn to Jesus. Pax

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Thank you, Allan. Do you have some resource suggestions for people who would like to become more informed about this important perspective--about the plight and history of Christians in Lebanon?

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Excellent post. Thank you for seeing clearly and speaking. The notion that Christians have a spiritual obligation to support the Zionist Israeli state is a destructive delusion based on misreading and misunderstanding Scripture. St. John Cassian in the 5th century understood the term "Israel" in the Scriptures with much greater nuance than modern Evangelicals do. This is one of many destructive errors that ensue when you try to reconstitute the Christian church from Scripture alone while severing yourself from the living tradition and practice of 2000 years.

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Israel wouldn't be having the problems with the Palestinians if they weren't treating them like Hitler did the Jews or white South Africans did their aborigines. There seems to be a tendency for former victims to victimize in similar fashion.

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I don't know what other people learn in church, but I was taught:

- thou shalt not kill

- "vengeance is mine" sayeth the lord

- pray for your enemies

I would like to see the Christians cheering on the slaughter to explain that point of view to Jesus.

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