From the relatively little I could glean about the man, I liked the outspoken nature of Mike Pompeo and his loyal support of his boss, DJT, as the Sect'y of State for three years. He appears to be a man of principles and a grounding in Biblical faith. Do you think he has deep and wide-enough contact to bring in the money for the "final push" of Trump's campaign during the next five months? If he were the VP and something (perish the thought) happened to Trump, I believe he could handle the presidential duties.

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I’m not giving shit—money, time or anything else—to a “man” who continuously promotes the poison covid shots and Zionist assholes. There are many other more productive ways to contribute to human flourishing than to attempt to “get a seat at the table” in the Trump administration, but if you think you can honestly make a difference at influencing the GOP machinery, Allen, then go ahead. But I truly think that your efforts to do so are wasted energy and belong elsewhere.

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ZERO chance that Nimrodda makes the short list for VP

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Nikki Haley was not born to two American citizens, the requirement for natural born citizenship given by Vattel in his 1758 book Law of Nations and used by the writers of the Constitution as the meaning of the phrase.

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