
"7. Hazards of Masks PANE[L]: Part ONE with Dr. Reider, Family Physician"

Vermont Stands Up, June 17, 2023

[The Vermont Emergency Forum to Assess the Respiratory Hazards of Masks]


RUMBLE PAGE DESCRIPTION: "A Panel of Vermonters who demonstrated Courage and Confidence when it came to protecting themselves and others from the hazards of masks share their experiences. The first panelist is Dr. Sandy Reider, a family physician from the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont and member of Physicians for Informed Consent: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/ To learn more about The Vermont Emergency Forum to Assess the Respiratory Hazards of Masks: https://vtmasksurvey.com/ "


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed May 12, 2023 in Burlington, Vermont, at The Vermont Emergency Forum to Assess the Respiratory Hazards of Masks.


DR. SANDY REIDER: So I actually have a lot to say, so, and I haven't planned this talk out. I've been kind of listening to everybody which has been awesome. Awesome talks so far. And you know, for my part, as I'm a practicing physician, I have been for longer than I care to admit, and looking at the big picture, the science to me is in—, it's not a issue for me anymore. The masks are, as we've heard today, useless and harmful, and the vaccines also. I'm sure all of you in this room understand that.

And the one common denominator between the two— neither are safe, they're not effective, and they're not necessary, particularly for kids— and the common denominator in the response that people have run into, whether on the school board or my meeting with the Health Department or, what else, the local authorities, is that no one is willing to acknowledge the harms, either of the vaccine or the masks. And to me that is the central issue right now that that's like their pressure point. Once that is more well known and it's, as you know, it's commonly, it's emerging now all the harms. Even the public, half the people in the United States on the Rasmussen poll[1] believe that the vaccines are responsible possibly for some of the deaths. That's half the people in the United States. So that's 150,000 people. It's huge.


DR. SANDY REIDER: 150 million, sorry. Thanks, Rob. And so culture is changing. And I know Mary Holland[2] once— who's, was the president, she's on leave now of Children's Health Defense as a lawyer, said that the courts follow culture. And when I thought about it, because I've done a lot thinking about ethics lately, that ethics are also following culture. And of course politics follow culture. And almost everything follows culture, except economics, as far as I can see.

And looking at the ethical side of things, it appears to me that the primary target in this whole covid thing is children and pregnant women and nursing women, which is also a kind of targeting of children. There's been a lot of talk about depopulation, and we are in a de facto depopulation event right now.

How did we get from Nuremberg,[3] which was the trial, the doctors' trial that founded, informed, the principles of informed consent, which include not only the ability to choose or refuse based on adequate information, but also the preservation of human dignity, human freedom, and fundamental freedoms? And it occurred to me also that our Constitution, Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence was also founded on those same principles. It's like Nuremberg in a medical sense, express those for doctors and patients.

Nuremberg was, after the Nazi atrocities, designed to protect individual human beings from experimentation. And what we have seen now is the ethical principles have been corrupted by what I call the philosophy, the ethical principle of the greater good. And that's vacillated over the years. It's of course all authoritarian regimes have relied on that, whether it's Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, and now the WHO and the UN,[4] have relied on that principle to institute what we're now seeing is the opposite of Nuremberg and the opposite of our Constitution. So it's now the collective that's more important than the individual, and it badly needs to be restored.

The last point I want to make, because I know I've probably exceeded 5 minutes, is that, it seems to me it's a war on children and a war on the soul and spirit. And Rob's exercise made me realize, that first thing when we do when we enter this physical incarnation is breathe. And the mask is a literal representation of interfering with the entry of the spirit into the human body.

So I hope we can— I wanted to get to get to what we can do about it, but maybe that'll come later in the day. But I think that's all I have to say for now. Thank you.




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[1] Rasmussen poll See https://www.rasmussenreports.com/

I believe he refers to the poll conducted in October 2023. See: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/public_surveys/killer_jab_24_say_someone_they_know_died_from_covid_19_vaccine

[2] Mary Holland. See: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/our-team/

[3] "World history was written in a courtroom of the Nuremberg Palace of Justice. It was historic Courtroom 600 where leaders of the Nazi regime had to answer for their crimes before the International Military Tribunal between November 20, 1945 and October 1, 1946. The trials had an enormous influence on the development of international criminal law right up to the present."— Source: https://museums.nuernberg.de/memorium-nuremberg-trials/

[4] The World Health Organization and the United Nations.

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Thank you very much for posting this valuable info.

Much appreciated.

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These are important points. Oftentimes (not always, of course) talking about "us" and "we" is a tactic to manipulate. Ditto talking about "selfishness." Somehow the "selfishness" applies to other people who don't happen to want to do what the speaker wants, LOL.

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